So much beautiful things to describe in the world .
Starting My short writing series, filled with fantastic descriptions of all kind realities , grouped by categories.
- Misconceptions,
2. Amazement,
3. Affections,
4. Thoughts,
5. Nature
1 (i) THE STAIRCASE (Misconceptions)
The day I realized that to get to the top of the house, I had to mount some wooden planks supported by iron railings, I knew this was going to be another important life activity.
I never realized it was called a staircase until, I was on top, and was asked to go down the staircase to pick something, I realized I had originally misnamed this as “high tops”
1(ii) RAIN AND SUNSHINE(Misconceptions)
Oh its raining again today, but this time it’s a clear sunny day. Well where I come from (Nigeria) , the elderly or anybody will tell you “A lion is giving birth right now” that’s why there is rain and sunshine.
2(i) THE CLOWN(Amazement)
Hey bro look at the clown by the street corner,The smile was forming , only to see the clown stumble on purpose and tear his trousers, the smile turned into small laughs. Walked by the clown and waved.
2(ii)STANDUP COMEDY(Amazement)
He walks up on stage. He is my favorite comedian I have been waiting for all night. He looks funny even without saying a word. lots of laughing is gonna be done today, you can laugh out loud and drastically no one cares, LOL.
3(i) HOLDING HANDS(Affection)
My hand in yours, I wont let you go, “Lets hold hands to share the grace”, a warm handshake, a cultural and signature greeting, We are a couple, Partners in crime, He is gonna be punished.
It is a positive or negative feeling, but affection is never missing, hold someone hands today positively.
3(ii)DANCING TOGETHER(Affection)
When you dance with someone or groups of people, do you care about the idiosyncrasies of these people? No!. You simply get lost in the moment, and you display the love in dancing in tune with the beats with your fellow person.
4(i) LOOKING UP(Thoughts)
What could make you look up?definitely something higher than you are , It could be the sky , a bird, a taller person, massive buildings, and it could be looking into ceiling thinking of the following exam day, or a day at work, also reminiscing. Looking up forces the power of thought, it is indeed amazing.
4(ii)IF I COULD FLY(Thoughts)
I always have had this thought even as a child. Especially when I listen to take to sky by “owlcty”. What if I could flap my wings and fly like a bird or superman. I have found myself jumping down from averagely high places. I have watches birds fly through the sky, I have seen people do artificial flying in airplanes, hot air balloons, parachutes… but none compares to the real flying.
5(i) THE MOUNTAINS(Nature)
I stepped on a hard ground only it was a tall one, with strong roots as old as the earth itself, It goes up and provides a higher view of the world, It’s top is always chill with breezes,ice… It Stands tall through the seasons of nature, Summer, Winter, Rain. It never dies nor decay. It stands for soverieignity and holiness in some regions, It as been named in different languages by its location. I love the mountains!
5(ii) THE VAST LANDS(Nature)
The sight of vast lands of green plain fields is one that warms my heart and brings new pleasant smell of freshness in the air. I just wanna take the stroll while gisting with friends.